I am looking for 1 (would buy 2 if I can find) front right parking light socket. I can find the repair wire but nothing with the socket attached. Can anyone give me some ideas of where to locate them?
Jim Malmberg, Merrimac, WI
Thanks for the good locations – I am glad to know about them. It appears that sockets are not included with the socket wire repair kits and that is what I am missing. Perhaps the “junkyard” is my only option.
Try Joh Fowlie is the owner and John has a Salvage yard in Williams Ca
This is a common problem with the ’53s as everything rusts out behind the bumper. They make universal sockets that I used when I restored my ’53. These have spring clips around the socket that you can plug in to the back of the turn signal assembly. You just need to get the correct size. Any decent parts store will have them in stock. As I recall, I had to do a little grinding on the assembly to get mine to fit properly. They have been in there for several years now and work just fine. If you need to change a bulb you simply “pop” them out, put in the bulb, and put them back in.
I was at the local Napa store this morning. It looked as if they had these connectors hanging on the wall behind the counter.