
There are currently 11 regions that have directors.
The regions shown on the map in white still need a director.
If you are living in one of these areas, why not volunteer to organize your region?

1. Mid-Atlantic

  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • E. Pennsylvania
  • SE New York

2. Great Lakes

  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Wisconsin

3. North Atlantic

  • Connecticut
  • Maine
  • Massachussetts
  • New Hampshire
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont

4. East Coast

  • New York
  • Western Pennsylvania

5. Mid-Eastern

  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Virgina
  • West Virgina

6. Mid-Lakes

  • Michigan
  • Ohio
  • Windsor Ontario

7. Ontario-Canada

8. South-Atlantic

  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina

9. Southern Plains

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Lousiana
  • South Carolina

10. Central Plains

  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Missour

11. Northern Plains

  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • South Dakota
  • North Dakota

12. Texas-Oklahoma

13. Northwest

  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • Wyoming

14. Southwest

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • New Mexico
  • Utah

15. South Pacific

  • California
  • Nevada

16. North Pacific

  • Oregon
  • Washington

17. Alaska

18. Hawaii